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  • Mr. Beep, Thank you for the offer to help with the axle. Got lucky yesterday morning and ran across a deal we couldn't pass up. Should be up and running at the end of the week.
    Mr Beep thanks for the help, I found the stampings of 304 on the motor right where you said they would be. Verdict is 304.
    Toby, Think I may end uo with trailmaxII pro seats. Quadratec has a deal that is 2 for $460. That is $100 off of list. Looked at Mastercraft ( too expensive ) and also Corbeau moab and PRP daily driver. Not being a huge off rd guy do I need Suspension seats ? Chris
    Toby, can you send me a message so I will have your email. My cousin is supposed to be putting together pictures and info on the cj7 we talked about in TN.


    Just curious but is your first name Toby or last name. My last is Toby is why I ask, just wonderin, small world
    MrBeep (Toby)
    My name is Izzy. I've been in contact with BigWalton. He suggested I contact you. I am looking for a Scrambler and he said you may be able to help. You can see my post on the WTB messge board. If you have any suggestions I am open to what you might have or know is available. I am in Dubuque IA and Indiana is not that long of a drive.

    I posted on you classified. Decided to contact you direct. I am Captain Jack Smith, Pastor of The Salvation Army Church in Juneau, Alaska. I am being moved back to the lower 48 next July. I dream is to have a CJ8 to run around in when I retire. I would like a v8 and would need an automatic. At 61, my wife refuses to learn to drive a stick. Do you have anything available? What condition? Do you know of one someone else might have.

    As a young man I owned a few older jeeps and have the shop and ability to work on it.

    Have a truly Blessed Christ-mas season.

    Captain Jack
    I was hoping to see some more pics of the frame, bed, and engine compartment. Are there any areas on the body that are rusted thru. I am interested in the jeep but want to make sure that it is within my ability to restore. I am curious about the other jeeps that you are selling and the price and condition. My email is spadden@hotmail.com.
    Thank you,
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