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Bikini top options


Well-known member
Silver Member
Hi, I have a Besttop full soft top. Will I need to purchase another header panel for their bikini top? I reached out to Besttop by email and instead of answering my question I get daily marketing emails from them.

Also any opinions on the mesh option vs just a black canvas?

I used the same header channel for my bestop, my STC soft half top and my bikini top. No issues.

I have never used a mesh top. Just the solid black material tops.
I used the bestop channel and had a custom bikini made by a local marine shop. It's full length and made of boat/car convertible top canvas. It's really nice quality but not cheap. They simply used standard welting for boat bikini tops and it's held up for 4 years so far. They made a duplicate for a mate of mine in Colorado reverberation using mine as a template and he is really happy with it. His was $850.
I'm looking for a 3.5 season soft top/bikini top solution. Only want/need to run the hard top for a couple of months.
So post up pics of your soft tops plz. I have half doors with uppers, a Windjammer and an old 25 yr old bikini that I can't fit into 🫨 lol
But I can't find it. I do know that wherever it is, the matching tonneau cover is with it.

Anyways, let's see em & thoughts on if you're happy or would do anything different
I'm looking for a 3.5 season soft top/bikini top solution. Only want/need to run the hard top for a couple of months.
So post up pics of your soft tops plz. I have half doors with uppers, a Windjammer and an old 25 yr old bikini that I can't fit into 🫨 lol
But I can't find it. I do know that wherever it is, the matching tonneau cover is with it.

Anyways, let's see em & thoughts on if you're happy or would do anything different

I have an STC half soft top that uses the channels rather than the snaps. I like the concept and the look, but it is not easily put up or down. And the zippers along the rear window are splitting from the top. As such, I have not used it in years as I don’t want it getting worse. So I use a bikini and 2 piece soft doors for the nicer seasons.
Wouldn't removing the side and rear windows achieve the same thing on your full bestop? Other than the bikini top stops past the roll bar? If running rear seat puts passengers in sun.
Yeah, in my opinion which to each of course, might as well keep the hardtop on then. It weather's much slower. But like you, for 3/4s of the year I love the options of throwing a Windjammer on, half uppers on, modular-speed in case of getting caught in a storm.

I camp. a. lot. I'm digging the whole overlander movement. 2 weeks ago doggo and I camped in the Shenandoahs and on a thick air mattress bought from Amazon, pet-puncture resistant we slept in the back.
Draped a nice brown matching tarp from the rollbar to 2 8' tomato steaks angled in the opposite direction and slept like babies lol.
Pretty redneck but no bugs, temps at night in the 50s, stars, dogs, kids, friends it was a great time.
Time to fancify it to get my wife to go too.
So #staytunedgreatcj8
It'll be cool to see ideas