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What's on your Work Bench?


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Lifetime Member
We have threads that are about beer, scotch, cigars, what you did to your rig, etc., so i was thinking about the workbenches when I was cleaning mine off last night... Got a lot of things cleared off as I want to start the Lomax 4:1 kit on the D300 and realized I had to take some wheel weights off as well as the valve stems so I can get the wheels blasted and powder coated.

So, what are you working on your benches?

Mine also kind of bled onto the floor a bit as I ran out of room!


I'm gonna like this thread !!
My stuff is on the bench , floor
I need shelves !
Waiting for warmer weather to clear the clearcoat off these rims to sell on eBay
I'm stripping a Waggoneer Dana 44 right now and various other projects


Started on one , but was too cold

Should finish this up today
Flattop knuckles

Automatic hub parts, should I just throw these away

And some 44 spring plates


Also have a D44 going back together - I do need locking hubs, tho, don't throw those away yet! And the tire carrier project and a winch project on the "extra" workbench.
Maybe these should be in the "Man Cave" thread... Kind of cavernous in there.
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Well , they are not manual hubs
They are fixed hubs from a quadratrac. !
Save those... They're drive slugs, as in no lock-out feature. Clean up a set and throw it in your trail box. If you ever blow a hub you can use one of those. It's the same as having a hub in the lock position.

Or just carry a spare lock-out hub.
Polishing up some chrome center caps.
I love that they are shiny enough to reflect the table top imperrections.

I can't type tonight...



What do you use to polish those? I was working on a set earlier today using aluminum foil and 0000 steel wool. Also, what can I put on OEM chrome wheels and center caps to prevent re-occurrence?


To be honest, those caps were like 7 years old and there were tons of dust on them and some old brake dust... I used Orange cleaner and some windex for the most part. spit and polish and a lot of elbow grease. When they were "clean", some chrome polish. And I still have miles to go with these as they are good, but can be cleaned up a lot more.

Warn 8274 parts, gun stuff, etc. this is the "clean" bench in my office. In the shop I have some portable benches, covered with a bit of everything...

2, proofread and cleared by the NSA.
Magbul Industries Calendar. http://store.magpul.com/product/MAG914/124 This years is pretty tame. Normally I get a Jeep calendar for Christmas, but not this year. Here's February, you're on your own for the rest. Unless this thread requires monthly updates...


2, proofread and cleared by the NSA.
That picture reminds me of the tv show "v" ..but I dont think she eat parakeets? Lol

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I'm stripping some Dana 44 front brake caliper brackets and saving them for possible future rear disc brakes on my 60–2


Removed ball joints from Dana 44 flat top knuckles and listed them on eBay

The raccoon story is a whole 'nother thread. I'll just say 3 raccoons took over my garage one weekend when I wasn't home and not one of them lived to tell the story.