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12th Annual CJ-8.com Secret Santa gift exchange - Open Now!

Well, I’m headed out of town tomorrow and won’t be back for a while! So I went ahead and opened my gifts. Thank you Secret Santa for the Jeep Tervis tumbler and the Christmas ornament that looks amazingly close to my CJ8.
Man I love this forum!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!


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Yea I am one of the late one that manged to get in. I got mine in the mail today!! Post Office estimated it to be there by 14th so I still made it by Christmas any way.
Hello- First off I want to thank Big Walton for running this annually. I love doing this annually- trying to come up with a great gift and seeing how original so many of the gifts that have been given are.

I mailed my gift this week, should be there in a couple of days.

I was committed this year to open my Secret Santa gift on Christmas Day- but it did not work out that way. A few days ago I got a call from my oldest son who was hunting with a friend and he shot an Aoudad from a distance, but could not find it. These calls never come early in the day, by the time I got to him light was setting. We spent several hours locating the animal and then quartering it for the haul out. Needless to say we got home late and I was exhausted. My wife mentioned that some Jeep parts came in and the box was on my office desk- I did not think much about it. The box was Timken branded I assumed I ordered something and forgot (has happened before). When I opened I realized that it was the gift was from my Secret Santa. First- I owe you a photo of the box- I will post that later. This box could have been the whole gift. As I get older I appreciate a good box, and I don't think I have ever seen a nicer one. It is two piece and heavy duty- It will earn a prized spot in the garage and be treasured until a use circles around. If you have not seen/touched/marveled at in person you can't understand. Inside the box was three awesome gifts. To start, a great 2024 calendar that is put out by The Dispatcher Magazine that is called Holy Toledo. This will replace my long overdue 2014 calendar above my work bench. Next was a box of pistachios that will be put out on Christmas Eve for the family to enjoy. To top it all off was a 6 pack of Farmers Brewing Company Winter Migration German Style Bock. I had never heard of the brewing company before and am looking forward to sampling it soon. It will be loaded in the fridge by the end of tonight and enjoyed in the days to come.

My Secret Santa also wrote a wonderful holiday greeting on an FC greeting card- he called out the reasons he selected each item as well as how incredible the box he shipped it in is (shared appreciation of a good box as well). Really grateful for the gifts and note, great job Secret Santa!


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My Secret Santa hooked me up, this year! :christmas:

When I first opened the box, I pulled out some bubble-wrap, and found a Smittybilt recovery strap. This is an excellent gift, and it will find a permanent home in my Scrambler. Then, I pulled out some more bubble-wrap, and found a pair of roll-bar grab handles. Man, this is working out pretty well for me! I kept pulling out bubble-wrap, and the gifts kept coming. Two Hot-Wheels (a Scrambler and an FC), an event T-shirt, a club sticker, and a Low-Range magazine, which turned out to be a 2007 issue, with coverage of the 4th SOA national event. This is a cool keepsake! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I felt something rattling around in the bottom of the box, and it was a kick-ass CJ8 bottle opener! This will also find a permanent home in my Scrambler!

Here's a big THANK YOU to my Secret Santa! :cheers:

You know, the first few years I was a member of this forum, I didn't participate in "Secret Santa." Now I look forward to it every year! Thank you very much to Big Walton, for facilitating this gift exchange!

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Got mine this week.
Cool T-shirt, Hot wheels Scrambler, 1983 Service Specifications book, pack of cool stickers, 2 boxes of Little Debbie's, and a card.
Thank you kgt0001 (Kyle)
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By posting the photos with the actual gifts makes me feel like I'm getting everything. It must be great for the gift giver too. I look forward to this thread every year!
Got a great haul from my Secret Santa! A cool t-shirt and then a front license plate, a SOG collapsible trenching tool and a SOG multi tool!

Thanks for the cool stuff... ( though I wish Santa had told me who he was, didn't find anything in the box!)


Got a great haul from my Secret Santa! A cool t-shirt and then a front license plate, a SOG collapsible trenching tool and a SOG multi tool!

Thanks for the cool stuff... ( though I wish Santa had told me who he was, didn't find anything in the box!)

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Did you ever assemble the Lego set from last year??
Got a great haul from my Secret Santa! A cool t-shirt and then a front license plate, a SOG collapsible trenching tool and a SOG multi tool!

Thanks for the cool stuff... ( though I wish Santa had told me who he was, didn't find anything in the box!)

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That’s why they call it Secret Santa. The years I have done it I went as far as mailing it from out of town.